Morgan Tayler

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Baby #3: What I'm Packing In My Hospital Bag

I can’t believe we’re about to have our THIRD baby🤯 It absolutely blows my mind! I am due next week & have the hospital bag packed and ready to go in case she decides to make an early arrival!

After having two kids already, I think I’ve got a good hang of what to pack in my bag that isn’t too much, but has what we need and what we might need. We live 30+ minutes from the hospital, so it’s not ideal for my husband to have to run home for something, so I try to have my bases covered!

*Some of the things linked are affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission if you decide to purchase, at no cost to you!

Thank you for supporting me & the blog! xoxo Morgan

What I’m bringing

For Mom:

Trail Mixes

I got a sweet trail mix & a salty one for both Jarin & I to share. Sometimes in the hospital, ordering food from downstairs can take forever, so I like to have something with us that can tide me over until food comes. I like to have some with nuts or some protein for when I’m really hungry. And trust me, if you aren’t able to eat during labor like many hospitals make you do, you’ll be STARVING after delivery! I remember after my first was born, it was during the night & the cafeteria was closed so my nurse was able to go find me a turkey sandwich and it was the best dang sandwich I’ve ever eaten.


Your lips just get dry! You’ll wish you had it if you don’t bring it. This Burts Bees is my current favorite.

Mini Dry Shampoo

This stuff is my absolute FAVORITE & actually cleans your hair! I’d rather wait until I’m home in my own shower to wash my hair, so this is a must for my bag!

Mini Wetbrush

Just like the regular sized one we all know & love, but travel size & perfect for throwing in your bag.


This has been my favorite deodorant for the past couple years!


Any robe will work, I just love having something that’s easy to throw on, is nursing friendly & still allows the nurses to check what they need to in the hours after delivery.

Nursing Bras

I got these for this baby after hearing raving reviews about them! They seem so comfortable & are affordable which I’m all about.


Just a couple good pair of black granny panties in case I don’t want/need to wear the mesh undies home that they provide. But let’s be real, I’ll probably be rocking the mesh undies home.


I thought this would be an easy thing to wear when I go home. It’s oversized so it would be easy to nurse in & just overall super comfy. I’ve LIVED in these sweatshirts my whole pregnancy & am totally obsessed with them.

Black Maternity Leggings

Because let’s be real, you still look & feel pregnant right after you had your baby. These have been the only pants I’ve worn for the past 3+ months & I will definitely be wearing them home from the hospital.

Slip On Sandals

I like having these to slip on when I need to walk around anywhere. I also love that they’re adjustable in case you have swollen feet like I have had in the past!


I know my hair will probably be up most of the time, so I want to make sure I have ponytails easily accessible when I need them.I have super thick and heavy hair & these ponytails hold up to it! I also love that there are a ton of colors so you can get the ones that match your hair color.


I’m just bringing my little makeup bag in case I want to throw anything on before taking pictures or something. I might not even touch it, but I’d rather have it and not need it than wish I had it.

Makeup Remover Wipes

Because I’d rather just wipe my face off while sitting in the bed & not having to get up to wash my face. I just bought a little travel pack in the travel size section of Target!

Nurst Moisturizer

I put this on morning & night, so I definitely want to have it in the hospital. The little trial size is perfect for tossing in my makeup bag without taking up much room at all.

Camera with Extra Battery & Cleared Cards

I’m a photographer, so this is super important to me, probably not for everyone and that’s okay! Because of visiting restrictions in the past, I haven’t been able to have a photographer come to the hospital to do a “Fresh 48” session like I would’ve liked, so I just do them myself! I like to take some hospital newborn photos if I feel up to it the day that we get released.

Long Phone Charger

Trust me, you’ll want this one! Get at least a 6 foot charger so no matter where the outlet is, you can have your phone plugged in. During labor, things can get boring if things are progressing slowly, so you’ll probably going to be doing some scrolling or last minute baby name searching & will want to make sure you can be plugged in.

For Dad: 

Shirt for Pictures

I like to have a neutral shirt packed for him to take hospital pictures in. Nothing fancy, just something I know I like.


Because he’s going to get hungry too! Bring some of his favorite snacks and he’ll be thrilled when you have him open your hospital bag the first time.


Just to have.

Long Phone Charger

Just like you, he will very likely be bored during labor, so a long phone charger is nice to have.

For Baby:

Ben & James Swaddles & Bow

These are hands down my FAVORITE baby swaddle blankets! I have both the dusty pink & the camel color coming to the hospital with me along with a matching pink bow. These are hands down better than the other swaddle blankets on the market, they’re slightly bigger, so much stretchier & softer! You’ll never buy a different swaddle.

Ben & James Jack Sack

Made out of the same amazing material as their swaddles, they have a “Jack Sack” which is a swaddle that has sleeve inside to keep baby’s hands down and out of their face at night. I’m so excited to have this with this baby! I’ve heard raving reviews from everyone who’s tried it, so I have no doubt it’s going to be amazing.

Baby Blaine Co Bows

One of the best things about being a girl mom is being able to dress up my girls. And bows are so much fun, especially when they’re babies! This bow company is owned by another sweet mom who has the absolute cutest & best quality bows at an affordable price! Since finding out we were having a girl, I’ve stocked up on her bows in pretty much every color. Follow her on Instagram to see when she has new releases and specials!

Lou & Company Knotted gown

I have had this since my first baby was born! It is just a simple white knotted gown that I love to take pictures in. Mine is a bit different since it was purchased four years ago, but still super similar!

Old Navy Sweater & Black Ribbed Leggings

This is the outfit I’m crossing my fingers she fits into for pictures! The little sweater is so darn cute & the little tiny leggings are my favorite.

Baby Socks

Even though they never stay on their feet, I figured I should bring a couple pair just in case.

Short Sleeve & Long Sleeve White Onesies in Newborn & 0-3m

The classic white onesie! My babies have been over 8 lbs in the past so I like to bring both newborn & 0-3m sizes.


These are the pacifiers I hope she takes! And if she doesn’t, then we’ll try something different, but I like to try them from the start before they don’t know any different.

White Swaddle Blanket for Pictures

I use this to wrap around the hospital basinet mattress pad thing so it’s solid white & crisp for photos. Totally not necessary! But I like to have it in case the hospital’s is less than appealing.

Burp Rags

I LOVE muslin burp rags! They absorb so much more than the burp rags you can get at Target or any other store. The material is great & gets better over time. There’s also all sorts of pretty colors you can get.

A Couple Outfits

I threw in a jammie set for both newborn & 0-3m and a simple elastic gown just to have other outfits in case the cute ones I packed get soiled. She will also probably be coming home in one of these outfits.

Portable Sound Machine

Because you have no idea how many people are in and out of your room at all hours of the day and night after you have a baby. Having this helps make sure that baby stays asleep during those precious hours when you need some shut eye yourself.

I hope that was helpful! Other things you may want, but I don’t bring are: your own pillow, a nightlight, quarters for the vending machine and shower supplies! add in the comments anything I forgot or what you’re glad you’ve brought so we can all benefit from it!

Best of luck with your delivery!💜

xoxo Morgan