Should You Pay Your Kids for Chores? *Free Printable*

I know there’s strong opinions on both sides of this debate, but this is the conclusion I have come to.

I want my kids to have a strong knowledge of the value of money instilled in them from a young age. I also want them to learn how to work hard & take care of their space. This is a way that I think I can teach both.

Why did I start this? Henley is now 4 and ALWAYS begging for things when we’re at the store. A dinky toy that caught her eye, a sparkly purse, and always the treats at checkout. Instead of feeling like the “mean mom” and always telling her “no”, I’ve started putting it on her and telling her she is welcome to spend her money on it if she wants.

I got this idea from Ralphie Jacobs of Simply on Purpose & I HIGHLY suggest following her! She is a wealth of knowledge & an inspiring mother. She teaches about a similar system called The Family Economy.

This is my version!

kids chore chart, kids chores, allowance,

There are 4 checkmarks that she can earn every day. These tasks will be different for everyone depending on family needs, age and more.

Henley’s tasks are:

  1. Make bed, get dressed, throw away Pull-Up

  2. Check chicken water & food, gather eggs

  3. Clean up living room

  4. Brush teeth, go to bed on time

I have assigned a value to them that makes sense for her age to me. If she checks all 4 boxes in a day, she earns $1, but if she doesn’t check off all 4, then she earns 10¢ for every box. This way she still earns money for them, but not near as much as if she does all 4. Also, she isn’t required to do any of these things. If she doesn’t want to do them, she doesn’t have to, but she also doesn’t earn the money.

We do them Monday - Friday and then on Saturday we sit down and add it all up. As she gets older, I’ll have her do more of the adding and calculating, but we’re not quite there yet.

We have her set 10% aside for charity, 30% for savings, and the remaining 60% she gets to keep.

We’re just starting this system so things are bound to change, but so far she’s been super motivated & most things she does without me even asking.

If you’re looking for a system to teach your kids how to work & the value of money, give it a shot! Get my chart template down below👇🏼